The Ben Doran Guest House

11 Mayfield Gardens EH92AX Edinburgh United Kingdom

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  • 2.3/54


    "our only adverse comments are 1 A verylong climb up to our room especially with luggage, l..."

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The hotel was fine, and the service was great, very nice staff, good breakfast, but the room was very small, and if you like me need fresh air when you sleep, don't depend on being able to have the window open, as the hotel apparently is located adjacent to the busiest road in Scotland on saturday nights. So the choice was no air or no sleep due to the heavy traffic noise from the road 10 Meters from the window. And the advice is don't use this hotel as a business traveller, my mistake, 1st time in Edinburgh.



our only adverse comments are 1 A verylong climb up to our room especially with luggage, long winding staircase and no lift.2. Tea & cofe making facilities were communal out on the landing and this was not to our liking. There was space in the room for a tray so why have to go onto the landing to make an early morning cuppa. The owners of the establishment were lovely and very eager to please and make guests at ease and listened to comments.



They could not give us the en-suite room we registered for due to plumbing problems. The TV was tiny, the remote did not work, the shower would not come on, the parking was full and they told us to park on the street, when we declined and asked to book in a different Hotel, they found parking two doors down. We did not feel this Hotel was represented properly on the internet. How they rated a 4 star is beyond me. We were disappointed with our stay. The one good comment I can make is that it was very clean and we make it work. Thank you.


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