Arriva Hotel

47-55, Swinton Street WC1X9NT London United Kingdom

Area: Bloomsbury / King's Cross

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  • 3.3/567

    Quite good

    "Excellent location, clean rooms, good facilities. All you want from a hotel in this price ..."

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Rating by guest type: Single traveler

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Basement room charge to high for quality of accommodation very cramped and poor outlook, in fact no outlook a grimy stairwell.
On the positive good wifi when it worked (email problems when I was there)
Clean room but very very cramped.









Standing in queue for breakfast is not my idea of starting a day. And for what I paid the quality was bad, better bread would be nice.



Second stay in hotel, second room i had was a little smaller than first one.
1 broken light on bathroom, mirror, minor nuisance.
I liked a lot a very clean room with a clean private bathroom.

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The stay was great. great location and there is an elevator to the floors. Many hotels in the area have all stairs and many different levels.



Cheap, clean and well situated hotel. Very basic breakfast, windows difficult to open, little inconveniences, but globally ok, regarding of the price and geographic situation.



The mattress had a BIG hollow in it. The radiator seemed only to have two settings: very hot or cool. Breakfast is served too late for someone who has an 8.40 Eurostar; good thing they provide tea and biscuits in the room.




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